Veiga Busto, Raquel, Floris Roelofsen & Alexandra navarrete. 2023. The indefinite-interrogative affinity in sign languages: the case of Catalan Sign Language. InqBnB4: Inquisitiveness Below and Beyond the Sentence Boundary. IWCS 2023. SIGSEM. Nancy, Paris.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra & Zorzi, Giorgia. 2023. Coordination vs. subordination: A syntactic-pragmatic interface investigation. Invited talk at LinG/RTG2636 workshop. University of Göttingen, April 20.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra & Zorzi, Giorgia. 2022. Contrastive coordination and subordination in Catalan Sign Language. 31st Colloquium on Generative Grammar. Universitat de les Illes Balears, Mallorca, June 1-3.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2020. Information Structure in Catalan Sign Language: non-manual markers and their pragmatic interpretations. Oral presentation at the workshop Barcelona Linguistics HUB. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Barcelona.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2019. A semantic-pragmatic analysis of contrast types in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Poster presentation at TILSR 13. Hamburg University. Hamburg. Hamburg, September 26-28.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2019. The marking and interpretation of contrast in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Oral presentation at the workshop Managing Information Structure in Spoken and Sign Languages in the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Leipzig University. Leipzig, August 21-24.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2019. Understanding contrast in Catalan Sign Language (LSC): A matter of degree? Oral presentation at the SIGGRAM meeting. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, June 6-7.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra & Giorgia Zorzi. 2019. The role of contrast in coordination and subordination in Catalan Sign Language. Invited talk at HiTT seminar. Universidad del País Vasco. Vitoria-Gasteiz, May 13.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2019. Understanding contrast in Catalan Sign Language: a matter of degree? Invited talk at the GLiF seminar. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona, May 14.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2019. The expression of contrast in Catalan Sign Language. Oral presentation at the workshop Encoding varieties of topic and focus: the role of contrast and information status. DGfS annual meeting. University of Bremen. Bremen.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2019. Contrast in Catalan Sign Language. Poster presentation at the XXVII Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE). Humboldt University. Berlin, February 21-23.
TISLR 13, Hamburg, Setembre 2019
Navarrete-González, Alexandra & Giorgia Zorzi. 2018. Coordination vs. Subordination: marking contrast in Catalan Sign Language. Oral presentation at Rencontres d'Automne de Linguistique Formelle (RALFe). Paris, December 5-7.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2018. Contrast in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Oral presentation at the Retreat for Students in Semantics and Pragmatics (ReSSP). Olot. October,
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2018. Contrast in Catalan Sign Language (LSC): a unifying semantic-pragmatic analysis. Oral presentation at the workshop on Information Structure. University of Vienna, Vienna.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2018. The expression of focus and its relation to contrast in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Oral presentation at the II Meeting on Morphosyntax of Portuguese Sign Language and other Sign Languages, University of Porto, in Porto, February 8-9.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2017. Focus in Catalan Sign Language (LSC): expression and interpretation. Oral presentation at the SIGGRAM workshop, Vitoria, Spain, October 5-6.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2017. Focus in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). Oral presentation at the UR-Ling workshop, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, June 15.
Bartolí, Mireia & Alexandra Navarrete-González. 2014. Material educatiu en LSC: La prehistòria. V Seminari de la llengua de signes catalana. Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, May 15.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2014. Experiències d’Innovació Docent i Recerca a la UPF. Jornada d’Experiències d'Innovació Docent: Responsabilitat Social i Aprenentatge Servei a la Universitat. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, May 29.
Navarrete-González, Alexandra. 2014. ‘The LSC: stakeholders speak’. Workshop ‘Let’s give voice to Catalan Sign Language’. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, June 4.